Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My friend Kristopher

My friend Kristopher used to sit at my table. But we moved a couple days ago and so now I don't sit next to him anymore, but I still see him. And sometimes he dropped his pencil and when I was at his table I picked it up and on spelling test sometimes he dropped his yellow folder and his spelling and I picked it up. Now he sits next to Katie and Espy. He didn't change his spot, but everyone else did. And Kristopher has brown hair and he was a new kid. And sometimes he has a shirt on and is carrying another shirt and playing with it. And he had to go to the office and was taken out by Mr. Paulson a couple times cause he wasn't being good and he didn't know how to draw sheep and he made a big fuss about it. That's it.

1 comment:

  1. Kristopher sounds like an interesting friend. Maybe you could help teach him how to draw sheep, then maybe he wouldn't be so fussy...

    -Uncle Matt
